Aurora Criminal Defense Lawyer

Aggressive Criminal Defense Attorney Serving Clients in Aurora, IL
Facing criminal charges can be frightening, and both your liberty and your future may be at stake. At The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola, we have been fighting for clients' rights for decades. Not only has Attorney Mirandola built a solid reputation for successfully defending his clients, but his position as a former Assistant State's Attorney gives him critical insights into how prosecutors prepare cases against defendants. This ensures that he can proactively develop courtroom strategies. When you need a skilled Aurora, IL criminal defense lawyer, look no further than Attorney Mirandola.
Driving Under the Influence Charges
Illinois police arrest more than 20,000 drivers each year for driving under the influence (DUI). The penalties for a conviction are harsh, and they include an automatic loss of license, even for a first-time offender. Other consequences include hefty fines, ignition interlock devices when a license is reinstated, and even jail time, depending on the circumstances of the case.
At The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola, we know there are several potential defenses to DUI charges, including lack of probable cause to make the traffic stop, questionable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test results, incorrect interpretation of field sobriety tests, and violations of the driver's constitutional rights.
Drug Crimes Charges
The possession, distribution, and manufacturing of controlled substances is illegal. Controlled substances that can result in an arrest and conviction include cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and unauthorized prescription drugs. Convictions for drug crimes in Illinois can mean mandatory drug treatment programs, fines, probation, and jail sentences.
There are some common issues your Aurora criminal defense lawyer will look at when investigating your case. One of the most common issues is whether or not the police had probable cause to conduct the search that resulted in finding the drugs. If the court finds that an illegal search and seizure took place, the evidence will be thrown out, potentially leading to the reduction of charges or even a complete dismissal.
Domestic Violence Charges
There are a number of situations where a person may face false domestic violence charges, including a partner trying to influence the court in a divorce or child custody case. In some cases, the accused may have been defending themselves against abuse by the accuser, but they may end up being the person the police choose to arrest. At The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola, we also understand that there are situations between couples and family members where emotions can become heated, resulting in domestic violence arrests.
If you have been charged with domestic violence, our legal team will evaluate the details of your case, investigate the circumstances of the arrest, interview witnesses, and help you determine what legal course of action is the most beneficial for you.
Sex Crimes Charges
Convictions for sex crimes can have a significant impact on a person's future. Not only could there be jail or prison time, but Illinois law may require that person to register as a sex offender, impacting where they can work, attend school, and even where they can live.
Many sex crime accusations come down to a he said/she said argument. Our seasoned Aurora criminal defense attorney will be laser-focused on dissecting the credibility of the accuser and any other potentially damaging witnesses. Your lawyer will thoroughly examine the investigation police conducted, including any collected DNA evidence, ensuring that all proper protocols and chain of evidence regulations were followed.
Other Crimes
The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can aggressively defend you if you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony, including assault and battery, theft, shoplifting, property crimes, burglary, or motor vehicle theft. If you have been cited for a traffic violation, including any CDL license violations, our firm has extensive experience defending against those charges to protect you from added license points, increased insurance premiums, and even potential license suspension.
Contact Our Aurora Criminal Defense Attorney
No matter what type of criminal charges you may face, call 847-488-0889 to schedule a free and confidential consultation with the Aurora, IL criminal defense lawyer at The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola and ensure your constitutional rights are protected. Contact us right away.