The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


What are the Penalties for Underage Drinking Charges in Illinois?

 Posted on February 27,2019 in Underage Drinking

Aurora, IL Underage Drinking Lawyer

Underage drinking is on the decline nationwide, with only an average of 14 percent of American 12th-grade students stating they binge drink alcohol on a regular basis. Still, thousands of American teenagers take part in underage drinking, which is dangerous for a number of reasons. This includes driving under the influence of alcohol. 

It is also important to understand an illegal consumption charge can come with serious legal consequences. If your son or daughter is charged with underage drinking, it is time to secure skilled legal assistance. 

Underage Drinking Dangers 

Outside of the serious legal trouble that can come with underage drinking, consuming alcohol as a minor is a legitimate health threat. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), underage drinking is responsible for an average of 4,300 deaths in the United States every year. Many of these deaths are due to alcohol poisoning, but a large percentage are due to drinking and driving. Drunk drivers under the age of 21 are more likely than any other age group to be involved in an auto accident. Other common health symptoms related to underage drinking include memory problems, alterations in brain development, and potential abuse of other drugs. 

Consequences of Underage Drinking 

Here in the state of Illinois, underage drinking brings a three-month driver’s license suspension if court supervision is ordered or six months for a conviction. Due to the zero-tolerance policy on underage drinking and driving, a teen driver with a blood alcohol content over .01 could face serious criminal punishment. An underage drinking and driving conviction can mean up to a year in jail, a minimum two-year license revocation, and a $2,500 fine. 

Contact an Elgin, IL Underage Drinking Lawyer 

With decades of legal experience, Attorney Brian J. Mirandola knows how damaging an underage drinking charge can be to a child’s future, and will fight to keep a conviction off your child’s record. To schedule a free consultation with a skilled Kane County criminal defense attorney, call our team today at 847-488-0889. 


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