The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


What Happens if You Violate Probation in Illinois?

 Posted on May 21,2021 in Probation Violations

elgin probation violation lawyerIn general, a probation sentence is considered one of the more desirable sentences after a criminal conviction. Probation is an alternative to jail time when you have been convicted of a crime. Sometimes, a judge may sentence a person to probation if the crime they were convicted of was not serious or if the person does not pose a risk to society. When you are on probation, there are likely going to be various requirements you must meet, as well as certain things that you will not be permitted to do. If you violate any of the terms of your probation, you could end up in more trouble than you originally were.

Attending Your Probation Hearing

If your probation officer notifies the probation board that you have allegedly violated the terms of your probation, the board will likely request your presence at a hearing to determine what will be done about the situation. If the court finds that you have violated the terms of your probation, there are three things that could happen: the court could decide to maintain the terms of your probation, allow you to continue with probation with modified terms, or the court could revoke your probation and enter any other sentence available for your original crime.

Terms of Probation

The terms of probation vary from case to case. Your exact terms of probation will depend on the nature of the offense and the circumstances surrounding it. Some of the most common terms of probation in Illinois are:

  • Reporting to your probation officer on a regular basis

  • Performing community service

  • Performing periodic drug and/or alcohol testing

  • Attending treatment for mental health issues

  • Attending treatment for drug and/or alcohol addiction

  • Paying restitution for your crime

  • Not owning or possessing any firearms

  • Not leaving the state of Illinois

  • Maintaining stable and lawful employment

  • Adhering to the terms of a protective order

  • Following all laws

Contact an Elgin, IL Probation Violation Defense Attorney Today

Sometimes, it can be very easy to break the terms of your probation. However, if you have been requested at a hearing for an alleged violation of the terms of your probation, you should speak with a Kane County probation violation defense lawyer as soon as possible. At the Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola, we can represent you during any hearings or proceedings that you may be facing regarding any criminal offense. To schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation, call our office today at 847-488-0889.




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