The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


Who Qualifies for Record Expungement in Illinois?

 Posted on February 13,2024 in Expungement

Kane County, IL criminal record expungement lawyerA criminal record can be problematic for many reasons, especially when it comes to applying for jobs, housing, or other opportunities. In some cases, you may be eligible for record expungement, but there are specific rules surrounding criminal record expungement. An experienced Illinois record expungement lawyer can help you understand your options.

Understanding Illinois Expungement Laws

Expungement is the process of removing certain criminal offenses from your record, and Illinois only allows expungement in certain situations. In the majority of cases, individuals who do not have any prior criminal offenses and have not received a conviction for domestic violence, DUI, or sex crimes are eligible for record expungement.

Crimes that are potentially eligible for expungement include the following:

  • An arrest for a misdemeanor or a felony that did not result in a conviction

  • Any conviction for a misdemeanor or a felony that was pardoned, overturned, or reversed

  • Completed supervision sentences, provided they were completed successfully and the waiting period has been met

  • Completed qualified probation periods, as long as five years have passed after successful completion of the probation

Keep in mind that any crime or conviction on your record that occurred outside of Illinois cannot be expunged within Illinois. As you start to navigate the Illinois expungement process, you will need an experienced lawyer to help you with this process and advocate for your rights

What if I Do Not Qualify for Expungement?

If you do not qualify for expungement, you may be eligible for criminal record sealing. Criminal record sealing prevents your record and any items on it from being viewed by the public. Only law enforcement officers will have access to your criminal record once it is sealed, and your sealed record can only be reopened by court order.

It is important to note that even if your convictions were overturned or you were found innocent in a certain case, this information may still be available on your Illinois criminal record. You will need to pursue expungement or criminal record sealing in order to keep this information away from the public and stop it from interfering with your applications for employment, housing, and other opportunities.

Contact a Kane County, IL Expungement Lawyer

Criminal record expungements are essential for many individuals who want to regain their freedoms and eligibility for certain jobs, housing, loans, or other opportunities. With expungement, certain convictions and cases can be completely removed from your criminal record. Contact a skilled Aurora, IL expungement attorney at The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola to learn about your expungement eligibility.

Call 847-488-0889 for a free consultation.

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